Rafiky FAQ

Technical equipment

What kind of hardware will I need to use Rafiky? Are there any special requirements to use Rafiky from a mobile phone? Will I need the latest update or a specific version? Will I need professional microphones? What kind of equipment will interpreters need to optimize the audio quality of the interpretation? Is there a volume limit? And how can I possibly raise it? What if one of the participants doesn't have a mobile phone or is unable to use it? What if attendees forget their headphones? Can the equipment used affect the sound quality?

What kind of hardware will I need to use Rafiky?

In order to use Rafiky you will need: Computer laptop phone or tablet connected to the Internet preferably via LAN (Ethernet) cable. Webcam connected or integrated to the device. Furthermore the use of headphones and microphones is strongly recommended. Are there any special requirements to use Rafiky from a mobile phone? Will I need the latest update or a specific version? No Rafiky can be used on iPhones from iOS 8.0 and on all Android devices from version 4. However we recommend that you stay in line with the expected updates of the operating system.